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Bernard Vienat


Country: Switzerland
Cohort: CCL Switzerland 2024


"Creative climate leadership involves adopting and steadfastly adhering to a sustainable lifestyle, integrating efforts within communities to foster change, and utilizing art and cultural means to promote a lasting transformation in the relationship between humans and non-humans."


Bernard Vienat is an art historian, curator, and entrepreneur merging art with environmental science and futurology. Educated in art history, economics, and philosophy, his work spans curating innovative exhibitions to founding art-werk, an NGO linking art to socio-environmental issues. His projects, like the (re)connecting.earth Biennale and educational initiatives, aim to foster dialogue, education, and sustainability through art, emphasizing its role in societal and environmental change.

Project Highlights


(re)connecting.earth, the Biennale of Art and Urban Nature, starts from artistic creation to offer other perspectives on nature by appealing to the senses, emotions, and the critical thinking of the audience. Based in Geneva every other year, each edition focuses on a specific theme related to the environment. The Biennale becomes nomadic in other years and is exported to another city to extend the reflection around this theme. An educational program based on works-instructions and other artistic achievements continues beyond the Biennales and is offered throughout the year in Geneva schools. It is developed by the educational team of art-werk and is renewed according to the editions and themes addressed.

Project Gallery


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